Saturday 1 December 2012

IK Gujral Former Prime Minister passes away

Former Prime Minister I K Gujral, who headed a rickety coalition government in the late 1990s, died on Friday after a brief illness.

Gujral, 92, breathed his last at 3.27 PM in a private hospital after a multi-organ failure. He was admitted to the hospital on November 19 with a lung infection, family sources said.
IK Gujral with Chandrashekhar and the then Delhi Chief Minister Sushma Swaraj in May 1998.
IK Gujral with Chandrashekhar and the then Delhi Chief Minister Sushma Swaraj in May 1998.

The former Prime Minister, who was ventilator support, had been unwell for sometime. He was on dialysis for over a year and suffered a serious chest infection some days ago.

He will be cremated in nearby Delhi tomorrow.

Gujral, who migrated from Pakistan after partition, rose to become the Prime Minister with a big slice of luck after he came up through the ranks - starting as Vice President in NDMC in the '50s to later become a Union Minister and then India's Ambassador to the USSR...Read More

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